Thursday, November 29, 2012

Luke Skywalker

         I thought that the Luke Skywalker drawing wans't that bad. His face doesn't really look like his actual face in the action figure. Even though his face doesn't really look like him I think the overall drawing looked alright and acurate to what the action figure looked like. What didn't work on this project was his knees. I think that his knees look like black dashes instead of wrinkling. What worked was that the drawing of the action figure looked decent overall. If I were to do this project again I would try and make his face look more like Luke Skywalker, because right now it doesn't really look like him. The most difficult part of this part of this project was the shading because it was hard to draw where the light was in the right spots, and sometimes if I drew the light in the right spots it still wouldn't look right. I learned that drawing wrinkles are a lot harder than you think they are.

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