Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Still Life

    I thought that this project looked kind flat and I shaded in a bunch of different directions. If I shaded the parts in one direction then it would have looked better. I also drew it kind of small and only in one corner of the page and it didn't take up the whole page. You also can't tell that the candleabra is not facing you, it's facing towards the left corner of the page and you can't tell that the first flower thing is closer to you than the last flower thing. I also didn't draw the wrinkles in the table cloth correctly. I thought that this piece overall was alright. What worked was that it didn't look terrible and that you can't tell the mistakes I made unless you saw what I was drawing. What didn't was that i didn't take up the whole page and only took up the right side of the page, also the biggest po twas a little too big. If I was to do this project again i would make the biggest pot smaller and make the drawing take up thw whole page instead of just the right corner. The most difficult part of this piece was probably shading. If it was shaded a certain way it didn't look right, then I had to do it all over again. I don't know what I learned from drawing this piece.

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