Thursday, November 29, 2012

One Point Hallway

       I thought that this piece could have been a lot better. The lines are were drawn in the wrong spots which makes the hallway look like it is slanting to the right. I thought that the hallway was alright for a first try, it looks kind of unfinished with the bricks on the wall. What I thought worked about this piece was the trophy case, I thought that was drawn well. What didn't work was the ceiling tiles getting too small past the EXIT sign. If i were to do the drawing again I would draw the lines in the right spots so it doesn't look like the hallway was slanting. The most difficult part for me was drawing the ceiling tiles, but they didn't turn out the way I wanted anyway. I learned a lot from this piece actually, I now know how to draw a hallway so it doesn't look slanted, how to draw things going towards a vanishing point and how to draw ceiling tiles not so small at the beginning so they aren't really tiny at the end of the hallway.

Luke Skywalker

         I thought that the Luke Skywalker drawing wans't that bad. His face doesn't really look like his actual face in the action figure. Even though his face doesn't really look like him I think the overall drawing looked alright and acurate to what the action figure looked like. What didn't work on this project was his knees. I think that his knees look like black dashes instead of wrinkling. What worked was that the drawing of the action figure looked decent overall. If I were to do this project again I would try and make his face look more like Luke Skywalker, because right now it doesn't really look like him. The most difficult part of this part of this project was the shading because it was hard to draw where the light was in the right spots, and sometimes if I drew the light in the right spots it still wouldn't look right. I learned that drawing wrinkles are a lot harder than you think they are.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Two Point Name

        I liked drawing this project. I thought that it turned out pretty well. I liked that it turned out a lot better than my other name in one-point perspective. The letters a relatively even with all the other letters and the letters aren't really different sizes and weird looking like the other name drawing. What worked was that the drawing looked decent, what didn't work was in some spots there are dots where I held the pen there for too long. I don't think I would change anything about this project except maybe the colors if I were to do it again. The most difficult part of this project was the shading because it took a long time to do. I don't remeber learning anything from this drawing.

Rainbow Hallway

          I thought that this project was a little too colorful. I meant for the floors too be the only colorful part of the project but I got a little out of hand. I thought that this project would be a lot better if I toned it down on the colors. If I kept the walls and ceiling one color it would look a lot better. What worked about this piece were the arrows and the wall drawing. What didn't work were the weird looking animals on the floor and the over abundance of color. The changes I would make would obbviously be the color and leaving the walls and ceiling either white or light gray. The most difficult part of this project was all of the coloring which took a long time, but wasn't necessary. I learned that you can have too much color.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

One Point Perspective Name

        I didn't draw this picture very well. I didn't spen very much time on it and rushed through it. The letters are really skinny and unequal. The spacing is also uneaqual between the letters. I don't think that this piece was sucessful at all. I don't think that anything "worked" on this piece at all. If I was to do this drawing all over again I would spen a lot more time on it and measure it out and make sure that the letters were equal sizes and make the letters not so skinny and awkward looking. I should have only used a couple colors too and not the whole rainbow. The most difficult part of this piece was using a ruler to make sure that all the lines were straight, but I can't use a ruler very well so I didn't do very well on this project. I learned that if you take a little bit of time to do a project that it will look like you took no time to do it and it will look like crap.

Still Life

    I thought that this project looked kind flat and I shaded in a bunch of different directions. If I shaded the parts in one direction then it would have looked better. I also drew it kind of small and only in one corner of the page and it didn't take up the whole page. You also can't tell that the candleabra is not facing you, it's facing towards the left corner of the page and you can't tell that the first flower thing is closer to you than the last flower thing. I also didn't draw the wrinkles in the table cloth correctly. I thought that this piece overall was alright. What worked was that it didn't look terrible and that you can't tell the mistakes I made unless you saw what I was drawing. What didn't was that i didn't take up the whole page and only took up the right side of the page, also the biggest po twas a little too big. If I was to do this project again i would make the biggest pot smaller and make the drawing take up thw whole page instead of just the right corner. The most difficult part of this piece was probably shading. If it was shaded a certain way it didn't look right, then I had to do it all over again. I don't know what I learned from drawing this piece.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Coke Can

          I think that this project was harder than I originally thought it was. It was harder to draw the crushed popcan because the letters were everywhere and not the way they were supposed to be like in a normal pop can thought that I did okay on it and I could have made a few better changes to make it look more proportional. What worked about this porject was that I think I did the "Coca-Cola" part of the can well, but the cans are two different sizes and are on the wrong side of the black paper. If I were to do this project again I would make the cans the same size and fix a few letters in both of the cans. I would have made the uncrushed popcan a little taller or skinnier and make the crushed popcan match the size of the uncrushed can since it's a little small. The most difficult part of this piece was trying to make it look just like the pop can that I was trying to draw and make it all look proportional to the original pop can. I learned through this pop can drawring that drawing pop cans are not easy.