Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Clay Mug

     Working with clay was one of my favorite things that we did so far this year. It was messy and the mug didn't exaclty turn out perfect which was frustrating but it is apart of making things with clay. Overall I thought that the mug turned out good but the glaze was a little messy. The rings that we made the mug out of were still evident because I didn't smooth it out completely before it was put in the kiln. The mug was kind of small and thick but it wasn't too sloppily made. The handle wasn't straight either, if I could redo my projec that is one of the things that I would change. I also would also smooth the mug out more before it was put in the kiln. I would also glaze the whole mug blue and put some green design or something on it instead of the stripes that are on it, or just put more stripes on and make them smaller too. The most difficult part was making the bottom for me. I don't know why but I had trouble just in making the bottom of the mug. I learned that in order to make a mug without using a wheel you have to make rings first, I didn't know that before, I thought that you just started shaping the mug.

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