Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Great Doodle Assignment

     I thought that this assigment was fun to complete but hard to think of things to put on it. But once I started thinking of things the page filled up eventually. I don't think that it looks very good still though. Some things didn't turn out so bad on this piece because they looked better when it had ink on it, but some things are harder to go over with ink because they were swirls or scribbles. If I was to do this project again I would maybe do some different types of designs in like sections, like I did in part of the drawing. The most difficult part of completeing this piece was trying to think of thigs to draw and put on the page and going over the swirls with ink. I learned that its hard to think of different doodle styles and use other exisiting doodle styles at the same time.

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