Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Color Wheel

          I liked painting this project although it was difficult in parts. Mixing the colors so that they would have an equal amount of both colors so the secondary or tertiary color wouldn't look more blue than green or more yellow than red etc. I thought overall the color wheel looks good from far away or in a picture like the one above, up close it doesn't look as good. Some areas had white spots where the two colors met and that could have been painted better. Other than that I thought that it was a good project. If I was to do this project again I would paint the outside part of the wheel better so it wouldn't look so sloppy, I would also add more white to the colors when making them lighter so the change in shades would be more drastic. The most dificult part of this piece was adding enough white to make the shades of color more evident. I learned that painting is a lot harder than it looks even though what we had to paint was relatively simple.

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