Friday, May 31, 2013
Scavenger Hunt
I liked this project a lot because we got to bring in our own things to draw. There are a few flaws to this piece, however. I should have drawn the whole picture a little bigger since it doesnt take up the entire page so it looks kind of funny. I thought I did a farely decent job on this piece, I liked drawing it too and I thought that this was my best shading that I did this year. My favorite thing about this piece was my dinosaur. I really like dinosaurs. If I was to do this project again, one of the only things I would do would be to make the entire picture bigger, the ribbon could have been done better by making it less stiff looking, the candy could have been over by something and not in the middle of nowhere looking kind of awkward and lonely. The most difficult part of this piece was probably the pig. It was rather difficult for me to draw the pig since it is a wierd shape to draw. I learned that everything has a shadow...even when you don't notice it.
Water Colors!
I liked the first flower that I painted (which was the middle one) and then the other ones look like absolute crap. The daisy doesn't even look like a daisy, and neither does the sunflower! The petals are way too huge for the daisy and the petals for the sunflower are way too small. The tulip actually resembles a tulip, which is good I guess since I was trying to paint a tulip, but the other flowers suck, a lot. The only thing that worked about this piece was the tulip, everything else didn't work. If I was to do this project again I would throw out the two flowers on either side of the tulip and probably paint different types of flowers or try to use the same flowers again. The most difficult part of this piece was having to wait for the paper to dry before you could paint again or else the paint will bleed and mess everything up!! This happened to my sunflower. For my daisy, I tried to shade using orange but I didn't alwats wait for it to dry and it ruined the paper that I was painting on. The most difficult part of this piece was painting without outlining it first. I learned that water color painting is great if you know how to use it!!
Magazine Reflection
I liked this piece even though it was kind of difficult. It was difficult to have everything lined up which I sucked at. Another difficult thing to do was the writing in the corner, I ended up just scribbling in where the words were at instead of writing them in since I didn't get the font right and it looked kind of stupid with the words written in since they weren't exactly straight. I liked drawing this piece even though it was difficult. I thought that it was okay, but it could have been better. I should have shaded some areas in a lot better than I did and I didn't relize how much I didn't shade until I saw the picture on here. What worked about this project was that it wasn't a complex picture, it was a single flower in a vase, so there wasn't too much to mess up. If I was to do this projet again, I would definetaly shade a lot better. I learned that I suck at shading.
Friday, May 17, 2013
This piece of amazing art is called "Waves of Coolness". It was created using Geogebra. It included trigonometric sequences for "X", I'm not sure exactly what the sequences are though.
Contrast and Composition
I thought that this was an interesting art project. I liked drawing it out and all, but I made it too detailed and it took a rather long time to paint it. I feel like if I made it less detailed and maybe made the letter parts a bit bigger it would look better since I painted over some parts so it wouldn't take as long. I thought that I could have done a much better jod, this project was kind of sloppy . It looked good before I started painting it! Then it looked awful after it was finished. If I was to do this project again I would spend more time on it to make it look better since I kind of rushed through it to get it done. The most difficult part of this project was filling in all the details which took a lot of time. I learned that a lot of detail takes a lot of time!
Monday, May 13, 2013
Geogebra Art!
This is piece is called "Waves of Awesome". I used trig functions for "X ", other than that I'm not sure how I got the differnet types of waves because I didn't write down the sequences. I created this by using Geogebra.
Letter Abstract
I really liked doing this project because it wasn't that hard! I liked the end result of it, some of the letters maybe should be facing a differnt way, I think I intended for the "E" to be facing a different way so that it would look more like an E and less like a 3. What worked about this project was that most of the letters looked pretty good except the "M". The M doesn't even look like and M, it looks kind of weird and that is one of the things that I would change about this project. Another thing that I would change about this project would be probably zooming in on the "A" more like the letter are supposed to be. The most difficult part of this piece was the curly things in the "E"; it was hard to paint around them without going over them. I learned that it was pretty hard drawing out the letters, but other than that, the painting was pretty easy.
Cartoon Skeleton
For my cartoon skeleton, I drew Mickey. I thought that this project was very hard since I had never seen a Mickey Mouse skeleton before and it's hard for me to imagine what something is supposed to look like before I've seen it, so this project was rather difficult for me. Drawing the actual Mickey was difficult too because if you don't draw a cartoon just right it looks completely wrong, especially the eyes, and his eyes aren't perfect so he looks kind of weird. For the most part I thought that it was kind of good. Mickey's jaw is kind messed up in the skeleton drawing because I didn't draw the lower jaw low enough so it opened like in the left drawing. If I were to change anything I would deffinately start with the skeelton's jaw because that bothered me the most when it wsa finished. I would also make the skeleton Mickey's tail a bit longer since it's longer in the left Mickey. The most difficult part of this piece was trying to imagine what a skeleton Mickey should look like since I never seen one before. I learned that drawing cartoons are a lot harder than it seems!!
Character People
I liked painting this project. I thought that it was fun creating the character and its background. I think that it could have been done better though. The khaki coloring of his uniform could have been more khaki colored. I also made the character too big which cut off his feet, part of his head and his hat. The squirrel also looks kind of weird an dit should have been made a different color. The tree should have looked more like a tree and less round. What didn't work about this project was making the character too big, the tree and the squirel, those are also the things that I would have changed about this project to make it look better. The most difficult part about this piece was creating the sky blue color and making it light enough to look sky blue, but that also didn't exactly turn out. From this piece I have learned that even though it looks like you have a sky blue color, it is actually a lot darker than an actual sky blue.
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