Friday, May 31, 2013

Magazine Reflection

           I liked this piece even though it was kind of difficult. It was difficult to have everything lined up which I sucked at. Another difficult thing to do was the writing in the corner, I ended up just scribbling in where the words were at instead of writing them in since I didn't get the font right and it looked kind of stupid with the words written in since they weren't exactly straight. I liked drawing this piece even though it was difficult. I thought that it was okay, but it could have been better. I should have shaded some areas in a lot better than I did and I didn't relize how much I didn't shade until I saw the picture on here. What worked about this project was that it wasn't a complex picture, it was a single flower in a vase, so there wasn't too much to mess up. If I was to do this projet again, I would definetaly shade a lot better. I learned that I suck at shading.

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